jami carlacio

Spiritual Companionship

“The spiritual companion is a guide and a friend even
more than a teacher…. They must be adept at listening. …
They must be on the alert to understand. Their direction
should be based not simply on books and theories, but on
the concrete needs of [the seeker]. Finally, they must never
forget that. .. the real Director of the soul is the Holy Spirit.
Consequently, the Spiritual Companion’s function is chiefly
to observe … the action of grace and to encourage [the seeker]
to respond to the divine inspirations in their heart.
” Thomas Merton, from Spiritual Direction and Meditation

Nourish Your Spirit with Spiritual Companionship

Spiritual Companioning involves a journey that a seeker embarks on with a person trained in Spiritual Direction. Just as we are all spiritual beings, we are also seekers, searching for moral, ethical, and spiritual significance in our life. What makes our search a spiritual journey is the intentionality we bring to the process. The goal as we travel is not to reach a particular destination. Instead, it is to be fully engaged with everything we experience along the way. A 60-minute session happens however you need and want it to be.

Nourish Your Spirit with Spiritual Companionship

Spiritual Companioning involves a journey that a seeker embarks on with a person trained in Spiritual Direction. Just as we are all spiritual beings, we are also seekers, searching for moral, ethical, and spiritual significance in our life. What makes our search a spiritual journey is the intentionality we bring to the process. The goal as we travel is not to reach a particular destination. Instead, it is to be fully engaged with everything we experience along the way. A 60-minute session happens however you need and want it to be.

You bring yourself to the session and I listen and reflect back to you what is inside you, sometimes hidden, sometimes ready to emerge. You will not be judged, given directions, or told to believe in anything that isn’t aligned with who you are. Sessions are confidential, always. Spiritual Companioning involves a journey that a seeker embarks on with a person trained in Spiritual Direction. Just as we are all spiritual beings, we are also seekers, searching for moral, ethical, and spiritual significance in our life. What makes our search a spiritual journey is the intentionality we bring to the process. The goal as we travel is not to reach a particular destination. Instead, it is to be fully engaged with everything we experience along the way. A 60-minute session happens however you need and want it to be. You bring yourself to the session and I listen and reflect back to you what is inside you, sometimes hidden, sometimes ready to emerge. You will not be judged, given directions, or told to believe in anything that isn’t aligned with who you are. Sessions are

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